BTW™ + Older Child ...

    Covers topics pertinent to parenting a child who joined the family after infancy, internationally, domestically or through foster care. Learning is taken to the next level with participation in discussions with professionals and other parents on our Older Child Discussion Boards.

    Helping Pre-Adoptive and Seasoned Parents

    The Because They Waited™ education system with Older Child Discussion Boards covers topics pertinent to adopting a baby or an older child, internationally or through foster care.  Modules present "The Science" in a user-friendly format, followed by "The Parenting" which offers concrete parenting tools.   "Wrap Up and Resources" as well as study materials are also provided for each topic. This purchase includes access to older child discussion boards where learning is taken to the next level with participation in discussions with professionals and other parents on our Older Child Discussion Boards.

    Topics covered include:

    • Promoting healthy brain development with older child discussion board Brain Development
    • Sensory processing and sensory integration
    • Parenting to a child's "real age" vs. chronological age
    • Understanding the internal alarm with older child discussion board Cycles and Alarms
    • Building attachment with older child discussion board Putting it All Together
    • Race and Culture with older child discussion board Race and Culture

    The Because They Waited system offers the option of testing online for up to two certificates of completion with no additional charge and provides 12 hours of Hague compatible education.

    Helping Seasoned Parents
    Because They Waited does more than just help families fulfill necessary requirements prior to adopting.  Many seasoned parents also find the system to be an invaluable resource that goes beyond adoption preparation and meets parenting challenges head on.

    This package is recommended for all adoptive families and professionals and includes access, testing, and certificates for two parents for 12 hours of Hague compatible adoption education.

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