Adopting from China Non Special Needs Package

This package is for families adopting through China's non-special needs program and fulfills 12 hours of required education.

China: Regular Adoption Program  (12 hours of education)

Your package includes:

1. The Because They Waited™ education system
The Because They Waited™ education system is online with modules covering topics pertinent to individuals adopting a baby or an older child, internationally or through foster care. Modules present "The Science" in a user friendly format, followed by "The Parenting" which offers concrete parenting tools and finally, "Wrap Up, Review and Resources". Because They Waited™ provides two certificates of completion at no additional charge and provides 10 hours of Hague compatible education.
2. The Adopting From China course
Topics include determining a child's eligibility for adoption, race and culture issues specific to Chinese adoptions, common medical concerns, transitioning a child home and more.  Your purchase provides access for two parents to receive certificates of completion for 1 hour of training.
3.  The Transitions, Developmental Challenges or Just Regular Kid Stuff? course
This 1 hour course addresses topics such as transitioning a child home, sorting out "regular kid stuff" from adoption related concerns along with ideas for parenting all of these.